The Nutritious Reality of Life

The thought of health and wellness seems to revolve around $30 dollar protein powders and even more expensive barre and anti-gravity yoga classes. Instagram stars give the impression that you have to live in a tropical dreamland with fresh fruit hanging from the trees and make the ultimate smoothie bowl to eat nutritiously. In reality, living a healthy life is pretty simple.

It is not about “clean eating” or finding your “swolemate,” it is about treating your body well so you can live a long, happy life. There are so many lifestyle choices we need to make every day to stay healthy and be happy.

  1. It is important to exercise. Exercising vigorously is not a necessity but it is important to get up and move every day. Working out has positive effects on your heart, mind, and metabolism. Just 30 minutes of walking each day can help lower your risk of heart problems.
  2. Drink more water! As stated in my previous post, water is very important for your body to function properly. Not only do our bodies consist of mostly water, but water can also help remove waste and carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.


  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables! Not only can eating fruits and veggies give you more control over your weight, but they can make your skin clearer and brighter. It gives you a glow without pounds of makeup. Bright colored fruit and vegetables are full of antioxidants, helping to remove the free radicals in our bodies and remove toxins.
  2. Living in a healthy environment, to limit stress and clutter is also important. Organizing your home environment can help make your work, school and daily life less stressful. Knowing you do not have anything to do when you get home is a great way to help you live a longer, healthier life. Excess stress can lead to high blood pressure, bad eating habits and much more.
  3. You should try to be social. Hanging out with friends and family can help lower stress and make you happy. Many research studies show that you are at a greater risk of heart disease if you do not network with friends and family. Loneliness can not only cause depression, but it can be just as dangerous as smoking since it causes inflammation.
  4. Love yourself! I feel that the most important aspect of life is to accept yourself for who you are. You cannot change yourself, so it is important to accept your body and your personality. Confidence is the start to living happy and healthy.

The point I am trying to make is that you should focus on living a healthy lifestyle, instead of following a fad diet or what is trending on Instagram. Nutrition and living healthy are much easier than what they are made out to be.